The Fellows had the opportunity to go on a Spiritual Rhythms trip to learn, practice, and grow in spiritual disciplines. We got to spend multiple days in fellowship at Camp To Know Him in Pisgah, Alabama. It was such a joy to experience the beauty of the changing seasons, the excitement of new adventures, and serene evenings spent around a warm fire or playing games with friends.
My Spiritual Journey
Prior to Spiritual Rhythms, my idea of spiritual disciplines was lacking in vibrancy. My understanding was that I had to do various spiritual disciplines in order to earn my place in the Kingdom of God. I felt guilty because God sacrificed so much for me, yet some days I couldn’t seem to get into His presence.
To say my thinking has changed would be an understatement. It was a transformation. Not only did I learn that spiritual disciplines can be life-giving and energizing, but I got to see what that looked like in practice. I saw how devoted my Fellows class is to experiencing the Lord through worship, prayer, fellowship, solitude, silence, and service. I realized spiritual disciplines did not have to be a chore, but instead they could be done with pure joy. This realization brought me back to my previous stay at Camp To Know Him.
I stayed at the campgrounds a year and a half ago with WinShape Camps, and it was there I was able to see firsthand what a life lived for Jesus looked like. The community I experienced back then was what influenced my decision to be saved. Being able to go back with my Impact 360 community was the sweetest reminder of just how much God has done and is continuing to do in my life.
Practicing Solitude
My favorite spiritual discipline I practiced was that of solitude. I had never stepped away from people and sought to be alone with God for such a significant amount of time. Going into it I had zero expectations, but rather than try to plan out my solitude, I gave it up to God. That was when I experienced the Lord. I didn’t get antsy or discouraged. I didn’t open God’s Word or dive into prayer just to check it off the “Christian to-do list.” I did it because I yearned to be near God. I put the entirety of my focus on God simply because I desired to know Him. After my time in solitude, I felt a new sense of restfulness. I was surprised at how spending time in solitude enabled me to be so much more present in my environment. I was recharged.
Lauren Worley
Sharpsburg, Georgia