Dear Christians on Social Media, Gen Z is watching. Be careful what and how you post.
The unending scroll of images, ideas, and interactions are transforming the hearts and minds of Gen Z.
Gen Z–today’s teenagers and the generation after Millenials–is on their screens all the time. Our recent study on Gen Z with the Barna Group confirms they are screenagers.
With 57% of today’s teenagers using screens 4+ hours a day and 26% report looking at a screen eight or more hours on an average day, it is beyond question that they are being shaped in profound ways (President of the Barna Group David Kinnaman and I discuss this on a podcast here).
Gen Z is being discipled by their smartphones. The unending scroll of images, ideas, and interactions are transforming their hearts and minds. Their worldview is being altered with every swipe, like, and share.
The fact of the matter is that discipleship is happening all the time online. The question I want to ask here is what is Gen Z learning by watching “grown-up” Christians on Social Media?
What are the behaviors being modeled for the next generation on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram? Here are some of my observations:
I am not surprised when I see non-Christians conduct themselves online this way, but as followers of Jesus, we must do better.
God’s Word offers a better way. Paul puts a fine point on it when he writes:
“Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.”–Col. 4:5-6
There is a lot to learn here. Be wise. Be intentional. Be gracious. Be aware of the context and what people in that moment need.
How can we expect the next generation to be wise and gracious online when we are not willing to lead the way?
Another challenging passage from the Bible that should guide our online interactions is from the book of Ephesians:
“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”–Eph. 4:29
Be helpful. Build up. Think of others. Lot’s to apply here too!
In light of these two passages, how can we set a better example for Gen Z on Social Media? This isn’t an exhaustive list, but it’s a start!
Social media can be a powerful tool of influence but it can also be a devastating weapon. As Christians, we need to be careful how we steward our online interactions.
Gen Z has amazing potential for good, let’s do the hard work to disciple them in every area of life. And since they spend a good amount of their young lives online, let’s start there.
Afterall, how can we expect the next generation to be wise and gracious online when we are not willing to lead the way?
Want to learn more about Gen Z and how to better lead them? Watch this free webinar.