Conflict Resolution
IMPACT360 is program that is dedicated to the education of young people. Our learning here goes far beyond the classroom, however, and some of the most important things I’ve learned so far haven’t required so much as cracking a book. Its all about relationships, in every thing that we do. I mean, you put 30…
Setting Patterns for Productivity in College
In previous blogs I’ve written about the importance of good habits of productivity in the workplace and how to integrate them into your daily habits. The practice of these, however, don’t have to wait until your first work experience to be put into place. In fact, the earlier you begin some of these habits the…
What Mary Magdalene Taught Me About Being Brave
When I finished high school, I had plans to go to college to become a speech pathologist. Everyone told me I would be good at it and that the pay was good. So I began doing research and shadowing pathologists to make sure it would be a good fit. I decided I could see myself…