As the Fall Semester comes to a close, we have all been reflecting on how God has been working in our lives since coming to Impact 360. As the Media team thought about what to post this time, we thought it would be appropriate to ask some of the students for their thoughts going into Christmas break. Here are just a few…
What are your thoughts going into Christmas break?
Shealynn: Excited! I can’t wait to see Arizona sunsets again.
Moriah: Booyah! I love Christmas! But I’ll miss everyone while I’m gone.
Dallas: I’m looking forward to being with my family, setting some goals for next semester, and reflecting back on the past semester.
Alex (Master’s student): It’s been a really good semester coming to understand what Impact is about as a Master’s student and then getting to observe the Gap Year students and how they’ve been able to grow in community. I’m definitely going into Christmas break on a high note.
What is one thing you plan to share with people when they ask you about your semester at Impact?
Shealynn: I plan to tell them about what I’ve learned about personality types and leadership skills. As far as certain events, I plan to tell people about what we learned at SIFAT and how we bonded on the Adventure Module.
Moriah: I want to tell people about TrueFaced, and how we learned about the importance of trusting others (but that doesn’t mean you trust everyone). It’s about building friendships and being honest with people.
Dallas: One of the big things would be how much I’ve experienced and learned about how I’m able to glorify God in all aspects of my life.
Alex: I’ve been thinking about how much the Christian worldview makes sense. Hopefully this can lead into some good conversations about why it makes so much sense.
How has your view of Impact changed since you’ve been here?
Shealynn: I knew I was going to grow spiritually, but the areas where I grew were different than I thought. I thought my view of the world was going to change; I didn’t really know that I would discover more of who I am.
Moriah: There were more discussions on worldview and philosophy than I was expecting, but that’s great because I love learning about those things.
Dallas: Coming to Impact, I thought I was going to be taught a lot of things, and I have been. But it’s been a lot more of me discovering things about God, myself, and other people.
Alex: I’ve gotten to see how intentional the staff is in the development of the students, coursework, and experiences.
How do you think you can continue to grow during the break?
Shealynn: I’ll continue to journal and dive deeper into sharing and taking off my mask with the people who are closest to me.
Moriah: Throughout the year, we’ve implemented different spiritual disciplines and have gotten into different rhythms. I hope to continue in these and that it will not only benefit myself, but influence those around me.
Dallas: The break will be a small glimpse of what it’ll be like to leave impact in the Spring. I plan on getting a chance to review the things I’ve learned this semester and apply them to my life.
Alex: I want to continue having conversation about things I’ve been learning and reading.
What a semester it’s been! We’ve been through the ups and the downs… the information overload and the simple realizations…the laughter and the tears…together as a community of believers. It’s a bittersweet time as we prepare to part ways for three whole weeks! We are all very excited to be with loved ones over the break, but we are also going to miss our Impact family. We are hoping to enjoy the time God has given us over break and looking forward to the quickly approaching Brazil trip!