Should You Get Rid Of Your Smart Phone?
In this podcast, Jonathan Morrow and the founder of Techless, Chris Kaspar, will thoughtfully explore this important question. What are the implications of social media and smartphone use for everyone? For us personally? For our families? What about teens in particular? What does it look like to submit our devices to the Lord? Is this…
How to Establish Candor
One of the aspirations of any team member is to be able to truthfully and honestly deal with other team members. Trust will never be fully extended to anyone who seems to be hiding his or her feelings or holding back. This type of trust is especially fundamental to the relationship of someone who leads…
What is Marriage and What is Marriage For?
Marriage is a good idea because it is God’s idea (see Gen 1:27-28; 2:21-25). Rulings in the Supreme Court (see Obergefell v. Hodges in 2015) or laws considered or passed in congress (like the misnamed and misleading “Respect for Marriage Act”) won’t change that. As our culture once again tries to redefine marriage, this time…