Just over a month has passed since the Fellows moved onto Impact 360’s campus. As we’ve become accustomed to our temporary home, daily patterns have begun to take hold. Intentional community is one of our main focuses. Between scheduled programming and multiple student-planned activities, we ensure that we are spending time with each other and fostering our desire for community.
My Class 18 peers and I (Drew) engage in a rhythm called “Life Together” every Monday through Thursday before class. The overarching objectives of Life Together are worship and centering our thoughts on Christ before our full mornings. Each day has a distinct focus. Every Monday, we break off into gendered groups of three to study and reflect on a particular passage from the Bible. Because of the personal nature of these smaller groups, peer accountability can quickly develop. On Tuesdays, we have a time of prayer. Each of us has a prayer group with about six other people. We pray during this time for one another and the events in our lives. On Wednesdays, we come together to sing songs of praise and worship. Each campus House– Breakwater, Frontier, and Timberline– rotates leading worship. Our last day of Life Together is on Thursdays, when we walk through a passage of Scripture using the P.O.I.A. acronym: Prayer, Observation, Interpretation, and Application.
As students who love community, we plan events to have fun, grow, and worship together. How do we do this? A few of the ways we come together are by playing sports, diving into rich conversations, and worshiping our Savior. One of my favorite student-led events is when we worship. I cannot describe the overwhelming feeling of joy and peace that comes over me when we sing praises to our Creator. It is a time when we can set aside all of our personal preferences or differences and focus on God. Sometimes, this looks as simple as a guitarist joined by the voices of our community out on the basketball court. Other times, we might have more instruments; either way, our sight and worship are set on Christ.
Worshipping with a community of believers is so important. God designed us as relational beings who long to worship. Coming together to worship is one of the ways we stir our hearts in affection for our Lord by singing truth to each other and to God (Hebrews 10:24-25). When we worship God together, we are reminded of all He has blessed us with, and out of our hearts of worship flows joy that spreads throughout the entire campus.
Whether it’s “Life Together” or student-led events, our times of community are what make this place different. God is growing my vision for creating a gospel-centered culture in our community. I am so excited to love and care for this community while I remain here at Impact 360 and after we are commissioned.
Drew Goodson
Leesburg, GA