Explore Truth
Did you know that 47% of emerging adults in America agree that morals are relative and that there is no definitive right or wrong? Is truth relative? Does it change over time? Is there absolute Truth? Many in today’s culture don’t believe in truth. Because of this, it’s more important than ever to know how…
Don’t Put Off Procrastination
It’s impossible for all us of never to procrastinate or, as some might say, exercise the freedom to do something later over sooner. Procrastination isn’t uniformly a terrible thing. There are instances where it can be helpful. Overall, however, it generally is a liability to doing one’s best work and if allowed to dominate one’s…
Now accepting Applications for Impact 360 Fellows 2019-2020
Impact 360 Fellows is not just a nine months gap year; it’s a lifestyle, a community, a way of thinking. To be part of the Impact 360 Fellows community means more than having a diploma and some photos to look back on. It means being inducted to a unique society of people who have shared…