
Featured Video

How Do You Pray? | Jonathan Morrow

Does the Bible Encourage Blind Faith? | Jonathan Morrow

What Does It Mean to Love Your Neighbor? | Del Tackett

Is Jesus the Only Way to God? | Brett Kunkle

Are Christianity and Science at Odds? | Jonathan Morrow

How Do We Develop Discernment? | Alisa Childers

Why Does Theology Matter? | Jonathan Morrow

2019 Commissioning Highlights

Should You Follow Your Heart? | Del Tackett

What is Eternal Life? | Jonathan Morrow

Did the Disciples Die for Their Belief in the Risen Jesus? | Sean McDowell

Were the Gospels Written By Eyewitnesses? | J. Warner Wallace

How Do I Find God’s Will for My Life? | Jonathan Morrow

Is it OK for Christians to Struggle with Doubt? | Alisa Childers

Is the Trinity a Logical Contradiction? | Jonathan Morrow