Behold, the Virgin Shall Conceive and Bear a Son
Behold. Our King. In the days leading up to Christmas, we place ourselves in the seat of those who waited, yearned, and sought the Lord for the promised King. And we marvel anew at the faithfulness and deep love of God in the realization of his promises in Jesus. This advent, we invite you to…
Sacred Rhythms
Last Tuesday morning, the fellows journeyed to Pisgah, Alabama to spend a week at CamptoKnowHim. It was a week of intentional fellowship that provided a unique space to study and practice spiritual disciplines. Our learning was guided by guest professor, Hule Goddard Ph.D., who taught us the importance of implementing “sacred rhythms” in our lives…
He takes what the enemy meant for evil and He turns it for good
I’m sure if you’ve been reading or watching the news at all, you know about the COVID-19 virus that has taken the entire world by surprise. It spread from the eastern parts of the world to the western parts where most of those reading this are located. It has shut down businesses, schools, and all…