Great Post from Alumni on IE Blog
Check out this post from Carol Anne Ausband, IMPACT 360 alumnus 2011. She spent time last week serving alongside current IMPACT 360 students during their International Experience in Brazil. IMPACT 360 IE Blog
First Meal Serves 500
In partnership with Mississippi Baptist Disaster Relief and the Red Cross, IMPACT 360 prepared a hot meal for 500 of the residents of Wilkinson County. One of the areas that was hit pretty hard by the flooding is Fort Adams.
On Self-Care and Service | Porto Alegre
There’s a kind of internal panic that comes across someone when they realize they might miss something. We are constantly searching for the way in which we might best and most efficiently experience the most events possible. Of course, this leads to a bit of a conundrum—we are, in fact, bodily beings which, one, cannot…