This past week of our Brazil experience has been extremely transformative, memorable and eye opening.

After recovering from overnight camp over the weekend, our team got to go on a paddleboarding excursion with a beautiful panoramic view of Brasília. We also got to shop and enjoy a Brazilian mall, which included lots of Haviannas purchases and refreshing açai.

On Wednesday, our Legado team parted ways as we divided up to go live a couple days with families in Brasília, while sad to be separated from a team that I have grown so close with throughout this trip, the host homes were a major highlight of international immersion for me.

The generosity displayed by the family I stayed with was so encouraging. Whether they were taking us to see their favorite places in the city or serving us a delicious breakfast of tapioca and papaya, getting to observe and experience such a genuine Biblical example of hospitality has had a significant impact on me. I also really enjoyed seeing firsthand how spiritual rhythms function amid home and family in a different country within their culture, language, and habits.

I would say this time in our host homes has helped mutually immerse myself in Brazilian day-to-day life and again a new perspective of what living here really looks like.

While staying at our house, we attended the LifeShape conference at a local church the conference consisted of an Itinerary of workshops, powerful speakers, worship, fellowship with the Portuguese church and much more. Although translation was often a challenge due to linguistic barriers, the presence of the Holy Spirit was evident there.

There was one specific speaker I enjoyed at the conference who taught a very applicable lesson about how much God cares about every one of his children by walking through Acts 6. I’m so thankful for this week and the lessons God has taught me.

Sophia Kauffman
Team Legado
Class XIX