IMPACT. Full. Semester in Review
As the first semester of the 2013-2014 school year came to an end, we sat down with our students to see what impacted them most during the first part of this year. The word “community” was the overwhelming refrain as students marveled at the depth of relationships that were formed in these first few months….
Overnighteen Camp, Brazil
“Whether then it was I or they, so we preach and so you believed.” 1 Corinthians 15:11 I stared at my empty breakfast plate, knife and fork in hand. The moment I prolonged had finally arrived and was impossible to avoid. A table full of Brazilian children from ages eleven to fourteen surrounded me, none…
Vocation & Calling
Last week was a great week for me (Noah). Professor Matt Dee taught a class called Vocation and Calling, and it was super helpful in forming my plan for what to do after I commission from Impact 360 Fellows. I’ll explain why, but first, let me give a little necessary background. I have an older…