“We’ve only been here for a few days, but being with our partners has already taught me so much about seeing people as people. There has been such a beautiful emphasis on learning people’s names and stories, looking at them as Jesus would.” – Bristol Whitley
While in South Africa, my understanding of the “big C church” broadened. I never knew just how big God’s church was and how alive it is today halfway around the world. There is nothing more encouraging than seeing the same truths being spoken here in South Africa. I’ve seen God in South African’s stewarding, I’ve seen him in their hospitality, I’ve seen him in their giving and especially in their ministries. Since knowing and observing this I’ve been challenged to view the church more and more like the citizens of the heavenly kingdom. We are meant to spread throughout the world to all different nations to fight the battle in these places.
I have experienced such an amazing time here in South Africa, just the beauty alone has replenished my awe of my Creator. I have rarely missed a chance to watch the sun rise and set since I’ve been here. Every time I look across the sea and see the mountains I can’t help but be reminded that the God of the deep is the God of the heights.
I have experienced God’s goodness through the testimonies I have heard, taking broken people and mending them, taking homeless men and giving them an eternal home, turning youth who went through the motions into believers who want to share all that God has done in their life.
When I first came to South Africa, I didn’t think much about people’s names, until I understood how important names mean in this culture. I’ve had to change my thinking and grow in my intentionality, to learn to make a connection with the people I meet.
I heard a lot of cool stories of God at work but the one story that keeps coming back to me is Mr. Barry. He once was an architect from England but felt led to pack up and leave to come to South Africa. He had to learn as an architect here; the people didn’t want a hero to fix their problems but a friend to have fellowship with. He left serving his wealthy clients to serve people who were deeply needy and help rebuild the city of South Africa.
Overall this trip has had an incredible start. Please continue to pray for our safety and our desire to serve and learn stay tuned for more blogs!
Silas Hodge
Class XIX
South Africa Team LUGH IT