Staff Member: Alfreda Conversion

This week on the blog, we wanted to highlight a couple different members of our community here at Impact 360 Institute. Alfreda Conversion (Ms. Freda) serves the students and other staff at Impact 360 Institute as the Housekeeping Manager. Each day she can be found going about her vocation with contagious joy and contentment. No matter the task, Ms. Freda has made it one of her life goals to enjoy the life and people God has given her to the fullest extent each and every day.
Where Are You From?
I was born in Atlanta, GA and have lived in the Pine Mountain area for the past 44 years.
What Do You Most Like About Impact 360 Institute?
The students! They make me look forward to coming to work each day.
What Is Your Favorite Bible Verse?
Psalm 100 – “Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with gladness!…”
What Was The First Thing You Bought With
Your Own Money?
Being a girl, I liked shoes, so one of the first things that I can remember buying were a pair of black high heel shoes.
What Is Something That You Would Like
People To Remember About You?
That I am a loving mother, and that I enjoy life. I have come to realize through difficult circumstances in my life that I can choose to either go through the motions of life or choose to fully enjoy whatever I find myself doing each and every day.
What Is Your Favorite Type Of Music?
What Is Your Favorite Dessert?
Coconut Cream Pie
What Words of Advice Would You Say To Our
Learn as much as you possibly can, think about things that you do before you go through with them, and live life to the fullest.
Student: Levi Goolesby

This week, the media team is highlighting Levi Goolesby, a gap year student from Ider, Alabama. Levi has a bronze medal in powerlifting, and recently served as the leader for the lunch community group. Everyone on campus adores his Southern accent and the way he cheers up everyone he comes in contact with his charismatic personality.
Why did you want to come to Impact 360 Gap Year?
I came to Impact so that I can dedicate this year to learning about God before continuing my education.
So far, what is your favorite part about Impact 360?
Reading- I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the books because they present ideas that I haven’t thought about before. My favorite book so far is God at Work by Gene E. Vieth.
What is the last thing you sent in the mail?
A box of pine cones to a friend back home. He really likes pine cones, and so I wanted to share the pine cones we have here with them.
What is your favorite meal that Ms. Susie makes?
Chicken Cordon Bleu
What do other students think about Levi?
“Goolesby brings a light-hearted attitude into every situation.”- Alex Blount, Master’s Student ‘16
“He’s a goober- and he’s really smart!”- Tate Bullard, ‘15
“As he likes to say, he’s everyone’s bro.” – Moriah Miller, ‘15