Daniel Fast
The IMPACT 360 Class of 2014 would like to inform and invite you to participate in the Daniel fast starting October 21st and continuing for 3 weeks. This fast originated from the first chapter of Daniel, which we highly encourage everyone to read as they participate in the fast. Daniel along with three of his…
A Spirit of Service: South Africa
One exciting way that we have seen God work in South Africa is through the leaders of Living Hope and The Dream Center who serve their community selflessly. A heart posture of service is a vital element in these organizations. The staff seeks the highest good of those they serve and interact with daily. Living…
Love | Relief Found in a Feeding Trough?
Of all the best of human emotions, I would have to say “relief” comes close to topping the list. Before you write me off, think about it for a moment. Have you ever experienced an excruciating amount of pain, conflict, or suffering, and then, after some period of time you received relief from it? The…