Spritual Disciplines
The IMPACT 360 family just got home from a five day trip that we like to call the adventure module. This adventure module contains a lot of different activities consisting of carrying backpacks as big as you are, sleeping in tents, going to the restroom in the woods, cooking your own food out in nature,…
Faith, Learning, and Character: An Historical Exemplar
Dr. Charles Hodge (1797-1878), principal at Princeton Theological Seminary from 1851-1878, was one of the first evangelicals to go to battle against the naturalism inherent in Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species. Although the Civil War preoccupied American thinkers and commentators in the years immediately following the publishing of Darwin’s book in 1859, academic debate began…
Brazil Prep week!
This week has been crazy busy in a good way! We have all been preparing to set out on our month long trip to Brazil. Throughout the week we have been practicing our drama, learning songs in Portuguese, and packing our bag! This will be an amazing experience for the whole class. The drama we…