Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should
“Just because you can” is a terrible leadership mentality. This is a way of thinking that a leader or a company can fall into where the consideration of others becomes secondary to what someone in authority wants. An example of this that won’t soon be forgotten are the video images of a United Airlines passenger…
Gen Z Feels Judged by Older Generations
How does Gen Z’s drive impact their overall well-being? Researchers found via factor analysis that many of the “how often do you feel…” statements asked within the 2020 survey trend together—meaning that if someone responds to statement A in a certain way, they are also likely to respond the same way to statements B, C…
During the holidays, we tend to take pause and think more deeply about the least and the lost. Why is that? As Christians, we are called to love one another… always. We are called “to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God”… always. So, why is it that we are most…