Extraordinary Hope: Simeon & Anna
During Advent, we not only remember how Christ first came into the lives of the individuals at the nativity, but how he came into our own lives and continues to transform us. We invite you to read the gospel account of Simeon and Anna and reflect upon how they remained hopeful throughout years of waiting….
Practicing Spiritual Disciplines
Spiritual Rhythms was a four-day retreat for Fellows Class 18 to cultivate habits of spiritual discipline and take in the beauty of creation. Spiritual discipline is training for shalom (the way things ought to be) in which both the Holy Spirit and you have to participate. The ever-growing intimacy of Class 18 was evident in…
Alumna Receives $25,000 Journalism Grant
Tiffany Owens is an alumna of the third graduating class at IMPACT 360. In 2009, Tiffany traveled to New York City to attend The Kings College in the heart of New York City. A gifted writer, Tiffany was hired at World Magazine, where she served as a reporter for the magazine for more than two…