Move In Day Reflections
2020, as everyone knows, has been the year of Zoom calls. Friends and peers of long years all too quickly became flickering faces on a screen. Zoom, a blessing from a curse, I suppose, did the opposite for Class 15. Rather than going from tangible to intangible, these calls began with intangible faces to tangible…
How Does Biology Point to God?
Does biology point to the reality of a creator? I think the answer is yes. One piece of evidence for a creator comes from work in an area called biomimetics. Biomimetics involves the use of designs in biology to inspire new engineering designs and new technologies. This is one of the hottest areas in engineering…
5 Things You Need to Know About Gen Z in 2024
Check out this article from Barna, showcasing the research done in partnership with Impact 360 Institute. With three major volumes of research on Gen Z and other related studies, we are gaining a clearer and more vibrant portrait of who Gen Z are and how they uniquely contribute to our collective society, their communities and their faith….