Alumni Story | Daniel Watts
Daniel Watts grew up in Lilburn, Georgia where he was a member of the National Honor Society among many other honorary clubs, but his passion was soccer. “I loved soccer more than anything,” he said. “Being a part of a team and competing against some of the best in the game taught me a lot…
Peace is Not a Feeling
Despite the trendy pursuit of peace and the all-encompassing happiness this world has to offer, we often find ourselves empty and starving for something greater. We find ourselves in this never-ending, toxic cycle of pursuit that leaves us wanting more and more. This can be found in our society today as everything is driven with…
Five Key Steps for Planning Anything: Step One-the “Why”
Why do so many good opportunities never come to fruition? Why is it for all our genuinely good intentions we can’t quite lose that last five pounds, save that extra 5% in our budget, or execute that really good idea at work? January is likely considered as “hunting season” on plans and aspirations as the…