The Gap-Year: An Increasingly Popular Option for Millennials
I just got back from a fantastic two-day gap-year round-table forum in Manitou Springs, CO. The forum was a group of 11 gap-year program and non-traditional educational leaders, some of whom have been directing their programs for a few years, others who are just now launching. Somewhat of a surprise to me was the fact…
Humbled at SIFAT
Well it’s been another crazy week at Impact. It’s hard to believe that it is almost Thanksgiving. I have been learning so much lately. I have had convictions and times where I have just had a truly humbling experience. I’ll share with you how the past week has looked. We went to a place in…
IMPACT 360 Alumni all across U.S.
IMPACT 360 is a nine-month program in Pine Mountain, Ga., that challenges students to know what they believe and why, to understand God’s calling in their lives, and to develop and foster authentic Christian community. Since 2006, IMPACT 360 has produced more than 50 graduates who are motivated to use their knowledge of biblical truth…