After a fantastic month in Brazil and a short break, all of us jumped back into action at IMPACT 360 with the StrengthsQuest Module. Over break, we all took the StrengthFinder Test to assess what our top 5 out of 34 potential strengths were. We all huddled into class on Tuesday eager to share what our newly found strengths were and find out those of our friends.
For class, John Basie split us up into small groups. In our StrengthQuest books, we read the descriptions of each other’s top talents so that we could not only better understand our own strengths, but be able to better identify and understand our fellow student’s strengths. At some point during the class, Basie took time with each group in order to discuss our talents individually and answer any questions we might have had about our top strengths.
Both of these times were especially helpful for me. At this point, I had not fully understood nor seen in myself some of the talents determined by the test. This discussion and affirmation from Basie and my classmates helped me better see myself and my God given talents.
After a week of further discussion, I have come to really appreciate the StrengthQuest Module. Now that I better understand my natural talents, I have the opportunity to refine them and to put them to better use. This course has given me confidence that God has gifted me with certain talents—talents perfectly designed for His purpose in my life and for His glory. I can’t wait to see how God will use my strengths to further His kingdom.
by Serenity Richardson
IMPACT 360 – Class of 2011