It seems like yesterday I was walking into the old Davis House in Pine Mountain to participate in the inaugural class of IMPACT 360. That day was seven years ago this week. It was September 5, 2006, and the campus looked much different than it does today.
Back then we had a much smaller classroom, the students lived in just one building of the Davis Inn, and staff tried to balance work and mentoring as the students took advantage of offices with no doors in close proximity.
The founders of IMPACT 360 were faithful with a little, and now they have been given more. Seeing all that God is doing through IMPACT 360 reminds me that I need to be faithful to his call.
The staff of IMPACT 360 continue to remain faithful amidst all the growth and expansion, and I thank God for that too.
Seven years ago 18 students embarked on a whirlwind journey that would change their lives. Today, that number has grown, but the experience will be similar. These young students are about to have their worlds changed forever, for the good. My prayers go out to the students, the staff, and the people they will encounter as they begin a new season.