Announcing Gen-Z Volume 3!
Each volume of Gen Z research, conducted in partnership with Barna and Impact 360 Institute, has peeled back another layer of this rising generation, revealing their connectedness, social consciousness and spiritual openness alongside their anxiety, skepticism and drive. Building on insights from previous volumes, Gen Z Volume 3 focuses on this crucial transition from teenage…
Science: Unveiling the Truth
As we all gathered for class Monday, Professor Thaxton—a wise, intelligent, and steady-handed man— rolled in, readily prepared to teach us about faith and science. His sense of humor and extraordinary stories intrigued and drew us all in. He described his time in Eastern Europe from the Czech Republic to Romania where he presented our…
During the holidays, we tend to take pause and think more deeply about the least and the lost. Why is that? As Christians, we are called to love one another… always. We are called “to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God”… always. So, why is it that we are most…