Final Moments in Brazil
After three weeks in Brazil for our International Immersion trip, we are back at Impact 360 Institute. We have had plenty of time to rest and catch up with our family and friends, and tomorrow starts our return to the normal Impact 360 schedule. We have been back in the United States for a little…
Easter Break
After an incredible week of classroom learning with John Kilner the students were able to leave campus for the weekend to enjoy their last break of the year. Many students had the opportunity to go home to be with their families and were able to enjoy Easter in their home churches. Not only did this…
Changes and Transitions: Settling Back into Rhythms and Routines
The past few weeks, we have been outside of our normal space, serving in Brazil or Kentucky! As we came back together, it was awesome to hear the way the Lord worked through these two experiences. Last week, we spent a week on immersion break, reflecting and resting from our trips! Audrey Lane says, “I’m…