God’s Heart for the Lost
This past month, Fellows Class 18 has been learning about God’s heart for the lost and implementing it into our own lives. We have been learning about different religions, cultures, and tactics for sharing our faith and practicing it on trips to Auburn University and Utah. We have experienced firsthand the hopelessness, stubbornness, sadness, and…
We Got New Desks!
The addition of this 21st century desk provides the classroom flexibility of transitioning into a variety of teaching methods. These methods enhance the learning environment by actively involving the students in analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Students can quickly form groups to discuss a question and then rotate back to continue a lecture. From the lecture…
Mountains and Valleys
I make an effort each day to read God’s word, as well as to read someone else’s words who know more about God’s word than I. Usually, that means I’m reading Oswald Chambers. This week, he gave me an encouraging word about life in the valley. His focus is on Mark chapter 9, the event…