Hope | A Present Focus for a Future Reality
One day, soon and very soon, you will wake up in a new Country. As you wake you will be suddenly and astutely aware that in this new Country there is no more mourning, or crying, or pain anymore, for the former things will have passed away (Rev 21: 4). You will notice that there…
The Importance of Gratitude
Entitlement is at an all time high. In fact, sociologists worry that we are creating a generation of narcissists. What is the cure for entitlement? Gratitude. The recognition that all we have has been given to us. We are not “owed” anything. Our creator, God is the reason we exist and have what we do….
The Importance of Emotional Intelligence
A popular topic in leadership discussions today is if emotional intelligence should a vital part of a leader’s skill set. If you aren’t familiar with the term it means someone is both able to navigate their own emotions and understand the emotions others have. While it might seem it’s a logical assumption one would have…