Actions Over Words
We have been through a lot of activities throughout our time at IMPACT. One of the main things that sticks out to me though is my experience and the knowledge I have gained from the Guest Professors we have had over the past six weeks. Every Professor we have is different than the last but has just as…
How Cultures Flourish
Flourish. It’s one of those words that just sounds hopeful and inviting. It speaks of health and vibrance. Put simply, things are the way they’re supposed to be. The Oxford dictionary defines it this way: “to grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, esp. as the result of a particularly favorable environment.” Sounds…
Don’t Put Off Procrastination
It’s impossible for all us of never to procrastinate or, as some might say, exercise the freedom to do something later over sooner. Procrastination isn’t uniformly a terrible thing. There are instances where it can be helpful. Overall, however, it generally is a liability to doing one’s best work and if allowed to dominate one’s…