Impact 360 Institute cultivates godly men and women who confidently lead those around them. For the Fellows, our immediate futures may include college, church, and work. I know that for me (Jackson), leadership is an area in which I have grown so much over the past few months.
God has used several areas in the Fellows program to show me what true leadership looks like. Bible studies, discipleship groups, and service teams are a few examples of environments specifically designed to train us to lead in the future. With each of these, we get to see someone older and more experienced model what leading looks like. Then, we receive training and the opportunity to lead our peers. Our goal is to one day facilitate a Bible study, but it goes far beyond that. Through this training and hands-on experience, God has shown me that leading is a role that affects every aspect of our lives. Leadership is all about servanthood and helping others to become more Christlike.
I view this training as crucial because it has immediate effects on my life. This summer I’m taking an intern position in my youth group, where I’ll have the chance to disciple students younger than myself. When I first heard this, I was beaming from ear to ear, anticipating the unique opportunity and knowing I’d be well-equipped.
Something we walk through in the process of discipleship is the “Discipleship Square,” a multiplication model with 4 steps:
- I do; you watch
- I do; you help
- You do; I help
- You do; I coach
Some key components we look at in this process are relationship, God’s Word, and ministry together. Without all three, the disciple-making process fails.
In the first semester of Fellows, we were paired with a Resident or full-time staff member and met one one-on-one for discipleship. I had never been in this kind of relationship before, but my discipler, Samuel, did an incredible job of forging a meaningful relationship, building trust, encouraging vulnerability (an area in which I struggle), and fostering a genuine friendship. We did fun things together like Ultimate Frisbee and attended an NFL game in Atlanta. This opened the door for us to dive deep into the Word and allowed Samuel to know me well enough to pour into my life, offering helpful insight, challenging me, and always prioritizing my relationship with Christ. We got to evangelize together at a college campus and spend an entire month serving overseas! I can honestly say Samuel is the biggest blessing in this season of my life.
This second semester, our focus has shifted to the latter half of the discipleship square, where I do more of the leading. I receive training, then lead a group of men that includes my discipler and two of my peers on a certain topic. This is perfect preparation for what I’ll be doing this summer. I now feel confident to lead in this area, and the best part is, I’m better equipped to help advance God’s kingdom!
Jackson Magloughlin
Amarillo, Texas