Thoughts Before Christmas Break
As the Fall Semester comes to a close, we have all been reflecting on how God has been working in our lives since coming to Impact 360. As the Media team thought about what to post this time, we thought it would be appropriate to ask some of the students for their thoughts going into…
Three Critical Tools for Connecting to Your Team
We have all likely seen variations of the same studies reflecting the major reasons why people leave their places of employment. It’s not the work, it’s not even the pay or benefits, it’s the relationship they feel they have with their supervisor. Many people feel, at best, a distance, and at worst, a disconnect, in…
Weak Made Strong
God says in His Word “So I take pleasure in weaknesses, insults, catastrophes, persecutions, and in pressures, because of Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” Galatians 12:10 God’s supernatural strength has been so evident throughout our time here in Curitiba. The times that we have felt weak, God has shown up…