How to Hire with Confidence
One of the most important opportunities one may have as a leader is either having the opportunity to have people added to a project team they are leading or even the role of making a team member hire. This can be both exciting and stressful. A right decision elevates the team and a wrong one…
Practicing Solitude
Recently, my classmates and I backpacked near the town of Pisgah, Alabama for four days. From the moment we strapped on our bags— which were three times our size, we realized there would be many challenges we would have to confront. For myself, the challenge manifested itself on our third day when the wonderful David…
An empty leader has nothing left to give.
Sometimes leaders get empty. Sometimes leaders break down. Sometimes leaders lose their way. And often, it’s because they made one critical mistake: They tried to manage other people before they managed themselves. The temptation is to think that being a “servant leader” means constantly putting the needs of others ahead of your own . The…