Millennial Faith that Sticks: More than “Niceness”
Over the years we’ve found the Barna Group’s research on faith and Millennials to be helpful, as well as consistent with our experience. Their 2006 study gets at the heart of why Impact 360 Institute’s Gap Year was started in the first place, namely the problem of Millennials disengaging from their faith during and after…
Why All Paths Do Not Lead to God
It has become increasingly popular to make the claim that “all roads lead to God.” But is that true? Do all religions lead to the one true God? Which God is true, and how could you know? In this episode of Impact Answers, author and speaker Jonathan Morrow gives us a helpful illustration and…
Are you Productive or Just Busy?
When you get home at the end of the day do you feel like you accomplished what you WANTED to do or what you NEEDED to do? There’s a difference between the two and it’s the difference between being busy or being productive. Here are some bullet point differences: Being busy is knocking out a…