Daniel Fast
The IMPACT 360 Class of 2014 would like to inform and invite you to participate in the Daniel fast starting October 21st and continuing for 3 weeks. This fast originated from the first chapter of Daniel, which we highly encourage everyone to read as they participate in the fast. Daniel along with three of his…
A Spiritual Conversation
This semester, the Fellows were tasked with interviewing a friend on their worldviews to practice having spiritual conversations. I knew that my friend was interested in going into worship ministry, so I thought it would be beneficial to get a rough view of where she was spiritually. We met up at a local coffee shop to hang out and go through the list of twenty questions…
Who is Class 18?
We are two weeks into the year, and Fellows Class 18 has gotten off to an amazing start. The invested staff at Impact 360 and the intentional programming provide a framework in which we students can shine, and we are taking advantage of this opportunity. Class 18 is made up of 85 students. We…