The Cultural Moral Needle Continues to Shift
What was not acceptable 100 years ago or even 50 years ago has slowly shifted over time. For instance, ladies dressed more modestly, speech was wholesome in public areas, and more people went to church. In 2020 some women and men wear revealing clothes in public, we hear people openly cussing, and many people think…
To Be a Woman
What Is a Woman? In a world where gender confusion is not just growing, it’s exploding, it is imperative that we thoughtfully and intentionally seek truth. In this episode, Jonathan Morrow interviews Dr. Katie McCoy about how to navigate the Transgender revolution in our culture right now with grace and truth. What is Gender…
Were Christians Really Persecuted in the First Century?
“In the first century, Christians were crucified, burned, and thrown to the wild animals simply for proclaiming the name of Christ. This was a period of immense persecution, and if Christians wanted to survive, they had to hide out from the governing authorities.” While there is some truth in this statement, it is certainly an…