Why All Paths Do Not Lead to God
It has become increasingly popular to make the claim that “all roads lead to God.” But is that true? Do all religions lead to the one true God? Which God is true, and how could you know? In this episode of Impact Answers, author and speaker Jonathan Morrow gives us a helpful illustration and…
Cultivation of the Body
Immersion. Cultivation. Influence. Transformation. These few words describe how the Fellows’ excursion to Brazil was exceptionally more than just a mission trip. While there was much work to be done, this trip was designed to challenge the way we view God, His global mission, and His church outside Western culture. This one-month trip transformed and…
Peace | Finding Peace in 2020
I have always been a bit of a “word nerd”. Ever since I was a young child, I’ve loved learning about etymology, language, and expanding vocabulary. For someone like me, this time of year is wonderful for many reasons. Christmas is wonderful. Celebrating the new year is wonderful (perhaps a little extra wonderful this year,…