Setting Patterns for Productivity in College
In previous blogs I’ve written about the importance of good habits of productivity in the workplace and how to integrate them into your daily habits. The practice of these, however, don’t have to wait until your first work experience to be put into place. In fact, the earlier you begin some of these habits the…
Why I Am Not A Moral Relativist – An Evening with Dr. Francis Beckwith
Does truth exist? Is right and wrong determined by individuals and cultures or is there an objective moral standard above them? Is truth only to be found in the hard sciences or can moral and spiritual truth actually be known? Are Christians intolerant? Should they be? These are just a few of the questions we…
Chasing Love
“By this, we know Love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. (1 John 3:16)” As a Fellows community, we are always growing together and finding new ways to seek each other’s highest good. The practice of loving each other well is a…