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The Metanarrative of Scripture

What is the story of Scripture?

The Fellows had the honor of learning about the metanarrative of Scripture from Dr. Del Tackett. Dr. Tackett is the creator of The Truth Project, a small group initiative designed to instill a Christian worldview within the body of Christ. He talked about the divine metanarrative of the Bible and the four “epics” that make it up: Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration. Through the metanarrative, we can see what it means for us to live out the work of God. 

The Four Epics

Dr. Tackett explained how we were created to gaze upon the face of God. However, because of the Fall in Genesis 3, we were corrupted and distanced from God. One of the ways we see the effects of the Fall today is through Meo-Christianity. Meo-Christianity is when we make faith all about ourselves and what we can get out of God. This differs from true Christianity, which keeps our focus on God. Dr. Tackett shared how each of us has our own “scripts” that we desperately want to accomplish, and how we get easily upset when things don’t go our way. Because of the Fall, we are selfish and are primarily looking out for ourselves. We manipulate others to enhance our story. It was crazy to hear about how the world we live in has become so broken and divided.  

Thankfully, the Fall is not the end of the metanarrative. Dr. Tackett talked about Redemption and the message of the Gospel. God has agape love for us, which is the steadfast, sacrificial zeal that seeks good for others. Because of agape love, we are saved by God’s grace. Romans 5:8 says that even while we were still sinners (enemies of God), Christ came to die for us. The final epic of the metanarrative is Restoration, which Dr. Tackett explained is the second coming of Christ.  

A Fifth Epic

Many believers are familiar with the four epics in the metanarrative of Scripture, but I found it intriguing that Dr. Tackett added a fifth. He described how he believes that between Redemption and Restoration, there is an epic called Engagement. Engagement is the moment in time we live in right now. It is an important epic because we are meant to participate in it.   

Dr. Tackett referenced the greatest commandments found in Matthew 22:37-40 which say we are first to love God and then love our neighbor. He said, “The primary work of the Kingdom has been entrusted to the common everyday Christian family.” What keeps us from loving God and loving our neighbors? It might be fear or shame or anxiety, all results of the Fall. For me, I especially let my pride get in the way of following Jesus’ commands. Therefore, it is important to participate in the epic of Engagement as the metanarrative unfolds. Dr. Tackett inspired me to play a more active part in the story of Scripture by loving others well and keeping my gaze upon the face of God.  

Yonas Monks
Shelbyville, Kentucky




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