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We exist to inspire and equip the next generation of disciples to know Jesus more deeply, be transformed in their character, and live with Spirit-empowered influence

God inspired the Bible wherein He reveals His nature and mission. The Bible is absolutely true, without error, authoritative, and instructive for our lives, our work, and ministries. God is the only one sovereign God who reveals Himself in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ is the living Son of God. He was crucified, buried, rose and ascended into heaven. He will come again and will establish God’s kingdom forever. Those who are found in Him will reign with Him for eternity, while those apart from him will be separated from Him for eternity.

The Holy Spirit empowers followers of Jesus Christ today. He leads people to faith and serves as our Counselor and Encourager.

God created people to worship and serve Him, but we all fall short of this purpose. We all choose to disobey God and as such we are all sinners, deserving condemnation and death. We can only be saved by receiving God’s grace by faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ commissions His followers to serve through the local church as well as through partnerships that reach into the entire world.


We believe in the pre-eminence of Christ. He empowers the Church to fulfill His mission. We are dedicated to transforming the lives of others as we follow Him.

Colossians 1:18, John 15:5

We believe that vision is revealed by God and where there is vision, people prosper. Our vision is reflected in our purpose, mission statements, and core values, and our ministries will be consistent with the pursuit of this vision.

Proverbs 29:18, Isaiah 55: 8-9, John 15:15

We believe excellence honors God and inspires people. God gave His best, therefore we give our best.

Colossians 3:23-24

We believe that alliances will enable us to enhance our effectiveness and leverage our resources.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

We believe in serving rather than being served. We will follow Christ’s example to serve others with joy and compassion.

Matthew 20:26-28

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