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He takes what the enemy meant for evil and He turns it for good

I’m sure if you’ve been reading or watching the news at all, you know about the COVID-19 virus that has taken the entire world by surprise. It spread from the eastern parts of the world to the western parts where most of those reading this are located. It has shut down businesses, schools, and all programming for the next couple of months. Most people’s lives have halted. Their plans have been changed and their expectations have been disappointed. Impact 360 Fellows is no exception. If you’ve been following our Instagram, you will know that as students, we have all been sent home where we will continue our studies online for an undetermined amount of time. The staff have begun to work from their own homes as well. In an effort to decrease the spread of the virus, Impact 360 Institute leaders made this difficult decision to separate our class. When we found out that we were being sent home, we were honestly in shock. Seeing that we only had about 2 months left with each other, we were savoring every moment that we could get. It was tough to realize that our expectations of the final months at Fellows were not going to be met. Nothing has gone as planned. These are times when some people would begin to lose sight of their end goal. These are times when some people lose their joy. These are times when some people refuse to seek hope. But, not impact.

I want to use this blog to write about living fearlessly. I want to talk about finding hope through the unknown. I want to share what it means to take what the enemy meant for evil and to turn it for good because that’s what Impact 360 Fellows is doing. In this time of uncertainty, our leaders are still pursuing bible studies. They found a way for us to engage with classroom material through technology. They have been working non-stop to ensure each and every one of the fellows that they are loved and missed. But, most importantly, they’re encouraging us to remember what truly matters. See, sometimes it just takes a perspective change. If we were to focus on how awful this situation is, then nothing would get done and we’d probably just give up. But instead, we’re being encouraged to fix our gaze on the Creator. We are being called to something more than just our daily routines and expectations. We have been called to be ambassadors; to bring hope to this world. As students and staff members of Impact 360, we have made it our goal to live into this calling even when it’s hard, but, more importantly, as Christians and children of God, we have committed to push back the darkness and call forth the light in every single situation, including this one. But, this requires courage. It requires hope. It requires seeking out good. We can’t do this alone could never do this alone. We need community and we need our direct source of life – Jesus. So, I write all this to say, seek Jesus, then you will find courage. Seek Jesus, then you will find Joy. Seek Jesus, and then you will find hope. Jesus turns what the enemy meant for evil and He turns it into something beautiful – something good. Seek Him, then you will find good; even in THIS situation.

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