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Grace Upon Grace | Brasília Amarelo

Ola from Amarelo!

During week two, Brasilia Amarelo worked with a ministry in Aguas Claras Brasilia named Cristolandia. This ministry seek to show the love Christ to those who struggle with substance abuse in the city Aguas Claras. Brasilia Amarelo joined alongside this ministry as they took part in this search for the lost. We had the amazing opportunity to take part in God’s active redemption plan.

As we walked the streets in our groups, it dawned on me how Cristolandia’s ministry is a great example of God’s grace upon grace. They faithfully and consistently go out to look for the lost and tell them they have a belonging in Christ Jesus. No matter how many people turn them down, they are in a passionate pursuit for those who are struggling with drugs and alcohol. In the same way, Christ consistently pursues us. He is after our heart, and every part of our lives. He sees us in our brokenness and our bitterness and invites us into his righteousness. “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8 NLT). The Father sees us in our sins and longs to welcome us into his grace. This love is so hard for me to comprehend! This causes me to push back and ask really? Me Lord? Are you sure? Are you sure you want to love the sinner that I am? And in a beautiful way, He answers yes to every one of us. He calls us His son or daughter. His grace and love are interwoven for our wholeness and belonging.

This is our God! It doesn’t matter what we struggle with. He sees us and still wants a relationship with us. He offers grace upon grace. And not only can we experience this grace the Lord offers us, but we can tell others about it so they can live a life of freedom from sin. We find complete healing and fulfillment through His grace upon grace.

But we have a choice. We can be like those Christolandra reached who wanted to be clean and follow Jesus, or we can be like those who rejected Christ and don’t want to take part in His unconditional love that sets us free. This week, Amarelo has been blessed by this beautiful reminder. How He loves us with an everlasting love. Amarelo not only experienced Christ’s grace upon grace, but we were able to tell others about this good news.

Thank you, Jesus, for calling us your beloved, no matter what we have done. Thank you for your grace upon grace!

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